Binary MLM Multi-vendor eCommerce website in Laravel

Binary MLM Multi-Vendor Website in Laravel

Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $499.00.

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Binary MLM Ecommerce Laravel Multi Vendor PHP Scripts

A Binary MLM Multi-Vendor Website in Laravel is a complex web application that integrates the functionality of a binary MLM with multi-vendor e-commerce capabilities, developed using the Laravel PHP framework. This type of website is designed for businesses that want to operate an MLM network while also allowing multiple vendors to sell their products on the same platform.

Binary MLM Functionality

  • Binary Plan Structure: Each member can have only two direct referrals (left and right legs).

  • Genealogy Tree: Visual representation of the downline and upline structure.

  • Commission Calculation: Automated calculation of commissions based on the Binary MLM plan.

  • Payout Management: Support for multiple payout methods (bank transfer, e-wallets, etc.).

  • Member Management: Registration, profile management, and activity tracking for MLM members.


Multivendor Marketplace

  • Vendor Registration: Vendors can sign up, create profiles, and list their products.

  • Product Management: Vendors can add, edit, and manage their product catalogs.

  • Order Management: Vendors can track and fulfill orders.

  • Commission for Vendors: Vendors earn commissions on their sales.

  • Payment Gateway Integration: Secure payment options for customers (e.g., PayPal, Stripe, Razorpay).


Admin Panel

    • Dashboard: Overview of MLM members, vendors, sales, and commissions.

    • User Management: Manage MLM members and vendors.

    • Product Approval: Approve or reject products listed by vendors.

    • Commission Settings: Configure commission rates for MLM members and vendors.

    • Reports and Analytics: Generate reports on sales, commissions, and user activity.

Additional Features

  • SEO Optimization: Built-in SEO tools to improve search engine rankings.

  • Security: SSL encryption, two-factor authentication (2FA), and GDPR compliance.

Why Use Laravel for Binary MLM Multi-Vendor Websites?


Laravel is highly scalable, making it suitable for growing MLM and e-commerce businesses.


Laravel’s modular structure allows for easy customization of MLM and multi-vendor features.


Laravel provides built-in security features like CSRF protection, encryption, and secure authentication.

Community Support

Laravel has a large community of developers, making it easy to find resources and support.

Features Multi Vendor PHP Scripts - Multi Vendor Capabilities

Vendor Registration

Vendors can register, create their profiles, and manage their products, orders, and earnings through a dedicated dashboard.

Product Listing by Vendors

Each vendor can independently manage their listings, including pricing, inventory, and descriptions.

Order and Commission

Vendors can track their orders, and the system calculates and distributes commissions to the vendors based on sales.

Features Multi Vendor PHP Scripts - Admin Panel

Centralized Control

The admin can oversee the entire marketplace, including vendor activities, product approvals, order management, and commission settings.

User Management

Manage customers, vendors, and permissions to control access and functionalities within the platform.

Reports & Analytics

Tools for generating sales reports, vendor performance, and customer insights.

Features Multi Vendor PHP Scripts - Customization and Extensibility

Theme Support

  • Customizable themes to change the look and feel of the marketplace.
  • Easily translate frontend and admin panel.

Modular Architecture

The system is often built with a modular approach, allowing easy addition of new features or plugins.


  • Multi-language and unlimited language support.
  • Multi-currency support with real-time currency conversion.
  • Full RTL (Right-to-Left) support for languages like Arabic.

Features Multi Vendor PHP Scripts - Additional

SEO Tools

  • Sitemap generation (sitemap.xml) for better search engine indexing.
  • Google Analytics integration with admin panel reporting.

Responsive Design

Fully responsive layouts, ensuring compatibility with all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).


Adheres to Laravel’s security practices, including data encryption, secure payments, and user authentication.

Frontent Credentials

UserName Password user@1234

Admin Credentials

UserName Password
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You're viewing: Binary MLM Multi Vendor Ecommerce Laravel PHP Scripts Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $499.00.
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    Binary MLM Multi-Vendor Website in Laravel
    You're viewing: Binary MLM Multi Vendor Ecommerce Laravel PHP Scripts Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $499.00.
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